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Home - Solutions - Smart Industry - MES - The Functions and Implementation of the MES in Workshop

The Functions and Implementation of the MES in Workshop

Aug. 29, 2024

1. Eight core functions of MES manufacturing execution system:

1. Production planning:

Intelligent scheduling: According to the master production plan of the order or ERP system, it is automatically decomposed into each process and the expected completion date is calculated.

Electronic dispatching: Directly dispatch production instructions to the corresponding equipment to improve the accuracy and executability of the production plan.

2. Production resource management:

Resource allocation and status management: Manage production resources such as machine tools, tools, personnel, and materials to ensure that resources meet the production plan requirements and conduct real-time status monitoring.

Detailed process scheduling: Through scheduling based on limited capacity, a good operation sequence is achieved and production preparation time is reduced.

3. Production execution monitoring:

Progress monitoring and online scheduling: Real-time reflection of production progress, and timely tracking, processing and scheduling according to early warning prompts to ensure that the production plan is completed on time.

Operation monitoring: Improve the sensitivity of on-site management through monitoring of material inventory, equipment status, production progress, etc.

4. Quality Management:

Quality Assurance and Tracking: Establish a quality management system to ensure quality and track the quality of raw materials, production, inspection, and delivery.

Defect Management: Track and manage defective products and maintenance processes to promote quality improvement.

5. Equipment Management:

Real-time status monitoring: Automatically detect various operating states of equipment, such as shutdown, startup debugging, processing, etc.

Downtime Report and Activate Production: Report the reason for downtime when the equipment is down, and require the equipment to be unlocked after reporting according to regulations to improve the speed of event response.

6. Data Collection and Traceability:

Data Collection: Obtain various data and parameters in the production process through the data collection interface, such as product tracking, maintenance history, etc.

Data Traceability: Realize the traceability of production data to facilitate quality backtracking and batch control.

Material Distribution Management: Material Movement and Storage: Manage the movement, buffering and storage of materials (raw materials, parts, tools) and consumables.

7. Inventory control:

Through online inventory and material barcode management, material inventory, consumption and usage status can be managed.

8. System integration and open interface:

Standard interface and integration: Provide open standard interface to integrate with ERP, PDM and other systems to achieve seamless data connection.

Data sharing: Realize the sharing and uploading of production execution data, resource consumption data, etc. between production management systems.

2. The specific implementation of the eight core functions of the MES system in the workshop:

1. Planning and scheduling

Implementation method:

The MES system automatically or manually assists in generating production plans based on order information from ERP or other order management systems.

The system considers factors such as equipment capacity, staffing, and material supply, performs intelligent scheduling, and generates detailed process plans and estimated completion times.

The production plan is communicated to workshop operators in real time through electronic billboards, mobile terminals, etc., to achieve electronic dispatching.

2. Production resource management

Implementation method:

The MES system tracks the status of production resources such as equipment, tools, and personnel in real time, including idle, busy, and faulty.

The system automatically allocates resources according to the production plan to ensure that each process can start and complete on time.

For resource conflicts or shortages, the system provides early warnings and scheduling suggestions to help managers make timely adjustments.

3. Production execution monitoring

Implementation method:

The MES system collects production data in real time through sensors, smart meters and other equipment integrated on the production line.

The system compares the collected data with the production plan to monitor production progress and completion.

For abnormal situations in the production process (such as equipment failure, material shortage, etc.), the system provides real-time alarms and processing suggestions.

4. Quality management

Implementation method:

The MES system records quality inspection data during the production process, including inspection results of raw materials, work-in-progress and finished products.

The system automatically determines whether the product quality is qualified according to the preset quality standards and generates a quality report.

For unqualified products, the system tracks its production batches and process parameters, and provides quality backtracking and cause analysis functions.

5. Equipment management

Implementation method:

The MES system obtains the operating status and performance parameters of the equipment in real time through sensors and control systems integrated on the equipment.

Based on the equipment operation data, the system predicts equipment failures and maintenance needs, and generates maintenance plans.

For equipment failures or downtime, the system provides a rapid response and processing mechanism to ensure the continuous operation of the production line.

6. Data collection and traceability

Implementation method:

The MES system realizes automatic collection and entry of production data through technical means such as barcodes and RFID.

The system records the production data and parameters of each process and each product to form a complete production traceability chain.

Managers can query the production history and quality information of any product through the system to realize data traceability and problem troubleshooting.

7. Material distribution management

Implementation method:

The MES system automatically generates a material requirement plan based on the production plan and connects with the inventory management system.

The system monitors material inventory and consumption, and issues material delivery instructions in a timely manner.

After the materials are delivered to the workshop, the system confirms the receipt and use of the materials by scanning codes, etc., to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of material delivery.

8. System integration and open interface

Implementation method:

The MES system provides standard data interfaces and protocols, and seamlessly connects with other information systems (such as ERP, PDM, etc.).

The system realizes real-time sharing and transmission of data, ensuring data consistency and accuracy between systems.

Managers can view and manage data and information of each system through a unified interface to improve decision-making efficiency and accuracy.

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